Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Embarrassing Ones

I painted this. I admit it. I actually was taking photos of all my paintings, since I would like to eventually give them away . . . family seem to be the only interested parties at this point. I love my family for their supportiveness. :0)

I painted it. As bad as it appears to me, it's still a reflection of me. Wild horses; in color and appearance. I love horses but I always want to put crazy colors on them, with colored pencils and pastels, to paint . . . I love color and it can never be rich enough or wild enough. The haze on the desert hills doesn't seem to be that at all . . . and the painting didn't quite turn out (obviously) like I pictured in my pea-brain. But, I won't get rid of it or paint over it. Being my 3rd painting of all time, it's one my favorites and it hangs in my hallway. :0)

I, on the other hand, will be perfecting it and bringing some much needed details and clarity. I'll see if I can do something more with it. Maybe.

Oh man, it's rough . .  .

A week before the one above . . . I painted this . . .

Alkhal Tekes are my favorite breed of horse. Something about their long, elegant necks and Arabian-likeness just appeals to me. I grew up riding Arabians and love the hot-blooded and elegant horses. The Alkhal Teke is just exotic to me. I captured a bit of their essence in the painting. I'm not much for realistic stuff but it turned out alright. Second painting of mine . . . I'm emphasizing the number of painting because it's important to me to express I'm just getting started . . . I have SO SO much to learn! I always will, but even in the basics of basics there is much to be learned.

Another that the horse itself didn't quite turn out the way I intentioned, but still one that I like. Yet, not one I'm excited about sharing.

So, I'm sharing them all . . . even the ones I'm not so proud of.


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