Friday, April 20, 2012

I think I'm pretty much done messing around with this one. 36 x 24" canvas. The horse turned out a bit more purple than I intended but I think I like it. I might add more white . . . not really a light purple kinda gal, but it doesn't look too bad. Biggest canvas I've done so far . . . I would love to get a 52"x52" and paint an amazing sunset colored background with a horse standing in the wind in the foreground. When I can afford more paint (currently out of white and running low on blue and green), and a giant canvas, I will move forward on that. :0)

Another . . . I finished this one November of last year. Of the first half dozen paintings I had ever done.

Just having fun and figuring out shadows . . . obviously didn't get it perfect but I was still pretty proud of myself . . . hey, you can tell its a horse, right? :0)

So, that's it for now . . . not painting a whole lot of canvases at the moment due to a giant move, from Oregon to Texas in June of this year . . . that is sucking up any extra funds we have. Once moved, I hope to obtain the necessary paraphernalia to delve into Lesley Humphrey's site and learn all I can . . . also hoping to set up lessons with Laurie Pace, if I can manage more than a grunt of awe in her presence. :0)


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